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FALLing into Step with God


Did you know we publish the weekend homilies every Monday morning? Here’s three ways to listen:

  1. On our parish website!
  2. On our YouTube channel!
  3. On our parish app! Search for “MyParish App” in the App Store and Google Play.

Contact the Parish Office with any questions at (616) 676-9111 or email ParishMail@StRobertChurch.org.



Jack McCarthy has been a St. Robert parishioner all his life. He is currently preparing for the priesthood at St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Listen to his vocation story!



A group of 54 members of our parish, including Fr. Tony Russo and Jane VanHouten, our Director of Liturgical Music, depart for a pilgrimage to Spain and Portugal this week. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel. May this pilgrimage fill them with the Holy Spirit and return them to our parish with renewed faith!



This weekend (October 19 and 20) we’ll take up a second collection benefitting the Pontifical Mission Societies. Envelopes are available by all entrances. For more information, please visit https://onefamilyinmission.org/wms/.



“The more clearly we know that we are beloved sons and daughters of the Father like Jesus, the more free we are going to be in order to be sent on the mission He has for us.” Sr. Alicia Torres, FE, National Eucharistic Revival


Eucharistic Adoration continues every Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Eucharistic Chapel.

At least two people are needed each hour for Adoration. The Eucharist cannot be left unattended. Please click the link below to review available Holy Hours. Children are ALWAYS welcome for Adoration!



We are just TEN days away from our annual Trunk or Treat! This year’s event will be held at Noto’s Old World Italian Dining, located at 6600 28th St SE. Trunk Hosts are still needed to make this event a success! A Trunk Host will stay at their vehicle and hand out candy to all our treaters. Click the link below to sign up!


Noto’s will be selling pizzas to hungry families during the event. You can grab a whole pizza for $25 or pay by the slice at $3.50. Pre-order your pizza by clicking on the link below.

PLEASE NOTE: there is no charge to participate in Trunk or Treat. You will only be charged if you order pizza.



Back by popular demand! Join us on Friday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. for Stations of the Nativity, presented by the SRN Music Ministry. This unique, multi-sensory experience (combining scripture, sacred art, and music) will forever change your perception of Christ’s birth.


Tickets go on sale November 1! For more information, please visit strobertchurch.org/ministries/stations-of-the-nativity/.

Ticket prices are donation-based. Please pay what you can. Funds raised will help cover the cost of renting the projector system for the Sanctuary. All proceeds exceeding the cost of operation will be donated to HELP Pregnancy Aid to support mothers and babies in need.


Thank you to all the sponsors of the St. Robert Catholic School HSA Fall Fundraiser! Your support is invaluable to our community.

Tickets are still available for our event his Saturday, October 19! Click the link below to grab your tickets now.

Interested in being a sponsor or donating an item to our silent auction? We’d love to talk to you! Contact us at HSA@StRobertSchoolAda.org.


© 2024

St. Robert of Newminster Catholic Church
6477 Ada Drive Southeast, Ada, MI 49301
(616) 676-9111


SRN Mission Statement

As a Catholic community,
we proclaim the Good News
by serving God and neighbor
as we grow in loving relationship with Christ.

SRN Vision Statement

Be a vibrant, welcoming
faith community inviting
all people to know Christ
through worship and sacraments,
evangelization and catechesis,
charity and service.