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Parish Activities

Council of Catholic Women

Mary Gancarz

The Council of Catholic Women is devoted to energizing the parish, by providing support for the pastor and strength for the parish. Our real goal is to spread the Lord’s invitation to follow in His footsteps and show compassion for others. Throughout the year we plan gatherings to bring the women together.

If you are a woman and a member of the parish you are already a member. We are a fun group of great gals… and we need you, too!

Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month
at 6:00 pm in the parish hall.

*For the months of of February and March, CCW meetings will be held at 3:00 PM

All women of the parish are invited to join us in our works of service to the parish.

Homebound Ministry

Sacred Heart Office
989-739-9511 Email

Knights of Columbus

Mark Zywot: Membership Director
248-224-2958 Email

In Fraternity, the Knights of Columbus provides assistance to the individual Knight as well as his family. The founding of the Knights, by Blessed Michael J. McGivney, found in its cornerstone this very element – to assist widows and children that were left struggling when the head of the family died, most often prematurely. The insurance program provides such assistance to this day. Through fraternity, the Knights serve millions of service hours a year in order to provide mercy and compassion to those most in need.

Business Meetings are the first Thursday of each month
at 7:00 pm in the Sacred Heart parish hall.

Social Meetings are the third Thursday of each month
at 6:00 pm in the Sacred Heart Parish hall.

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